Historical Reenacment
Through images and documentation of authentic coats of armour used by the military people during the greek, etruscan, samnite and roman times, we make replicas our of brass, copper, bronze and silver, using the same techniques used in ancient times: embossing, engraving, chiselled and riveted. In this way we achieve unique, handmade pieces made to measure.
RA1. Iberian soldier. 5th century B.C.
RA2.1. Greek soldier. 5th century B.C.
RA2.2. Greek soldier. 5th century B.C.
RA3.1. Greek soldier. 5th and 4th century B.C.
RA3.2. Greek soldier. 5th and 4th century B.C.
RA4. Greek soldier. 4th century B.C.
RA5.1. “Ouragos” The General Macedonian. 4th century B.C.
RA5.2. “Ouragos” The General Macedonian. 4th century B.C.
RA6. Etruscan Soldier. 5th century B.C. Italic.
RA7. Etruscan Soldier.
RA7.1. Etruscan Soldiers.
RA8. The Etruscan warrior of Lanuvio. 5th century B.C. Italic.
RA9. Etruscan Soldier.
RA10. The Etruscan warrior of Lattes. 6th and 5th century B.C. Italic.
RA11. Etruscan soldier. 5th century B.C. Italic.
RA12. The Italian warrior. 4th and 3th century B.C. Photo of Frédéric Coune / Associatió Pour l’Histoire Vivante / Forbidden Reproduction without prior agreement.
RA13.1. The Greek warrior of Argos. 8th century B.C. Photo of Frédéric Coune / Associatió Pour l’Histoire Vivante / Forbidden Reproduction without prior agreement.
RA13.2. The Greek warrior of Argos. 8th century B.C. Photo of Frédéric Coune / Associatió Pour l’Histoire Vivante / Forbidden Reproduction without prior agreement.
RA14.1. The Officer Carthaginian. 3th century B.C. Photo: Yann Kervran – Carthago.
RA14.2. The Officer Carthaginian. 3th century B.C. Photo: Yann Kervran – Carthago.
RA15.1. Roman Officer. 2th century B.C.
RA15.2. Roman Officer. 2th century B.C.
RA16. The Roman Republic Official. 1th century B.C. - 3th century A.D. IMPERIUM ANTICUM – LES GUERRES PUNIQUES.
RA17. Louis XIV - the Sun King of France. 17th-18th century.
RA18. Signifer with a signum.1th century B.C. - 3th century A.D. VIAROMANA.
RA19. Samnite soldier. 3th - 4th century B.C. EVOCATI APRI SCIPIONI.
RA20.1. The Officer Carthaginian. 3th century B.C. EVOCATI APRI SCIPIONI.
RA20.2. The Officer Carthaginian. 3th century B.C. EVOCATI APRI SCIPIONI.
RA21. Apulo-Samnite soldier. 3th - 4th century B.C. © Fanhia - www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA22. Apulo-Samnite soldier. 5th - 4th century B.C. © Fanhia - www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA23. Roman Officer high (Tribunus militum). 1th - 2th century A.C. © Fanhia - www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA24. Oath ceremony. 1th – 2th century A.C. © Fanhia - www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA25. Roman Officer. Segle II a.C. 1th - 2th century A.C. © Fanhia – www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw. LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA26. Roman Officer. Segle II a.C. 1th – 2th century A.C. © Fanhia - www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA27.1. Roman Officer high (Tribunus militum). 1th – 2th century A.C. © Fanhia – www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA27.2. Roman Officer high (Tribunus militum). 1th – 2th century A.C. © Fanhia – www.legio.be LEGIO XI CPF vzw.
RA28. The celtin warrior. 4th century B.C. – 1th century A.D.
RA29. The Greek warrior. 5th century B.C.